OUR TEAM - we draw upon a diverse pool of competent, committed and experienced associates co-ordinated by our Director of Due Diligence, Sukh Gill. If we cannot help you directly, it is highly likely we can recommend you to someone we have come to trust in a network built over nearly 3 decades !
Sukh Gill Llb(Hons) DTS MCTSI CTSP
Director of Due Diligence (see expertise)
Sukh is an expert in Trading Standards, Product Law & Food Standards with nearly 30 years experience in Public, Private, and non-profit Sectors, latterly with market leading Retail, Manufacturing, and Consultancy brands (most recently as Director of Global Regulatory Services at Leatherhead Food Research).
He is a Business Law Graduate, Statutorily Qualified Trading Standards Professional; and a Chartered Trading Standards Practitioner. He has been a representative on numerous Governmental, NGO, and UK and EU Industry expert working groups, and was (until Spring 2015) Inaugural Chair of the BRDO Business Expert Group on Food Standards and Labelling, and a founder member of its Food Hygiene Expert Group.
Nergus Gill Customer Service Director
Nergus leads our customer service having previously held numerous customer service roles in well recognised organisations including the NHS, Barclays, Lloyds Pharmacy, and MFI Retail. Nergus would be delighted to direct your enquiry to the appropriate source of help or help to resolve any service issues.